Major Sponsor: $100,000.00
Auction 22 Fund a need: $36,525.00
Donation: CDA $3,500.00
Major Sponsor $80,000.00
Auction 23 Fund a need: $41,060.00
In Memory of...
Clem Unrein $1,140.00
William Grosjacques $735.00
Trish Serres $2620.00
Ernie Dill $345.00
Pat Buchheit $1,380.00
Austin $400.00
Serres/Hernandez/Bucheit $490.00
Nick Ebner $20.00
Offertory Collect 1 $4395.00
Oktoberfest Grant 2023 $3300.00
Principle Donor: $3000.00
Principle Donor: $5000.00
Principle Donor: $1000:00
Principle Donor: $5000.00
Principle Donor: $1000.00
Principle Donor: $1000.00
Principle Donor: $1000.00
Principle Donor: $1000.00
Principle Donor: $1100.00
Principle Donor: $1000.00
Principle Donor: $1200.00
Principle Donor: $1000.00
Principle Donor: $5000.00
Major Donor: $10,000.00
General Donations: $2,410.00
Offertory Collection 2 $14,690.00
General Donations: $3,362.00
Offertory Collection 3 $15,371.94
General Donations $42,460.00
General Donations $55,000.00
General Donations $19,818.00
GRAND TOTAL $351,781.94
Total Needed Meet
Thank you to all who contributed. Our goal has been met and the project has been completed.